
Showing posts from May, 2013

Overnight French Toast Oatmeal Bake with Crumble Topping

So I am super excited to share this recipe! It exceeded my expectations of goodness :) !  I have always been a big fan of two things for breakfast: oatmeal and french toast. The other morning I was craving both, so I thought, hey! why not combine the two?! Such an ingenious thought :). I started off making my french toast oatmeal just as regular oatmeal with eggs cooked in it  i.e. cooked in 5 minutes. However, then I got thinking about an overnight version because I am all about overnight oatmeal/bread bakes. I think they are delicious and it was about time to create my own!  I tried this twice and both times the top was kind of burnt, but then I discovered that the burnt part can be easily scraped off and underneath is the golden treasure!  The texture turned out really interesting. It wasn't oatmeal and it wasn't bread-it was a mix. I was interested to taste however that it was more on the bready side. The first time I tried this I thought, "wow, that

Chicken Veggie Meatballs

I am super excited about this recipe!! It's not very often that I create my own savory recipe. Now that schools out though, I want to try making more of my own dinner recipes. uncooked meatballs I had the idea several weeks ago to make chicken meatballs packed with veggies. I like meatballs, but the only ones we have are made with beef, and since I don't eat beef I decided to play around with chicken. I also was in need of something with protein in it. Now that my staple protein of peanut butter is not an option I have difficulty getting enough protein. I love Greek yogurt, but unfortunately a lot of the times it is unavailable here in Cambodia. It just so happens to be one of those times. So, I pulled out the chicken. These turned out to be a perfect protein fix that are easy to be eaten anywhere, anytime. I'm even thinking of taking these on our trip to Vietnam next week. So in short: these.are.amazing! It's just that simple. Hot or cold these little babi

Oatmeal Cookies

These are REALLY good! You have to trust me on this one.  Anything with oatmeal is beyond fantastic. I think oatmeal should have its own section on the food pyramid. It's certainly a staple in my diet. I eat it basically everyday. I'm also a huge advocate and promoter of oatmeal with flax. I now never eat oatmeal without flax.  These are also conveniently gluten and refined sugar free. I also made one batch without eggs and one with just to see the difference. It was a close call, but I think I'll have to go with the eggless one (mom thought so too) :)  OATMEAL COOKIES Yields: 15 cookies Ingredients: 1 cup oats 1/2 cup flax 1/2 cup oat flour 1/2 cup coconut sugar 1 Tbsp. cinnamon 1/2 tsp. nutmeg 1/2 tsp. salt 1/2 tsp. soda 1 flax egg* (measure out 1/2 cup of flax and then take out 1 Tbsp. and mix in a small bowl with 3 Tbps. water) 1/4 cup oil Directions: 1. Preheat oven to 350. 2, Make flax egg and set aside for 10 minutes. 3. Mix together oats, fl

Apple Crumble Bake

So, this is a recipe from quite a while back, but I wanted to post about it so I could add it to my recipe page. I made this yummy dessert kind of on the spur of the moment one night and it actually turned out really good! The apples maintained a soft crunchiness while the crumble on the top added a soft, cookie/pie-like texture and taste. It looks burnt, but it's not! Mmm...yummy crumby apple pie-ish goodness! This literally takes five minutes to throw together and is a healthy, sweet-tooth quencher. Apple Crumble Bake Ingredients: 5 apples 1 ½  cups uncooked oats ½  cup coconut sugar 2 tsp. cinnamon 2 dashes salt butter Directions:             Preheat oven to 350. Slice the apples. Place in a baking dish. In a small bowl mix oats, sugar, cinnamon, and salt. Pour on top of apples. Drizzle about ½ cup of water over everything. Dot with butter. Bake for about 10 min. If top is too mushy broil for a couple of minutes. Do not overcook apples.

Classic Apple Pie

As it was Thanksgiving I felt the need to make my good 'ole apple pie. This pie is sugar-free and this year I made it with a gluten-free crust( Spunky Coconut ). Let me just say this: it was so good! Everyone else agreed that it was really good too-even dad! Yeah! I do want to try it so it has more of a sauce because it was kind of just apples on a crust. The recipe is this: Apple Pie 6 or 7 apples 1/2 tsp. cinnamon 1/8 tsp. salt 1/4 cup cooking liquid (water from steaming apples. i use a lot less than that, otherwise the pie is really watery.) 1 Tbsp. lemon juice butter agave Peel and slice apples. Steam apples for 6-7 minutes. Combine dry ingredients. Spread 1/2 of dry ingredients in pie crust. Add apple on top. Sprinkle with cooking liquid and rest of dry ingredients. Sprinkle lemon juice. Drizzle agave (you don't need very much). Dot with butter. Bake at 425 for 30 minutes with foil around the edges until last 10 minutes. Also, yesterday I f


I think this could be the best day I've ever had. So my challenge to everyone (see former posts) has been a success. My life is now complete! My goal over the break was to create  my own   recipe for gingerbread. I really just wanted to do something of my own. So, basing it off of other cake type things I began and here is what I came up with ( I can't believe it worked the first time, I thought it would take me 4 or 5 tries)! Kenzie's Gin gerbread: 1 1/2 cups  Amy's Basic Flour Blend 1 tsp. baking powder 1/2 tsp. salt 2 eggs 1/3 cup oil 1/4 cup milk 1/2 tsp. cinnamon 1/8 tsp. nutmeg 1 1/4 +1/2 tsp. vanilla 1/2 tsp. ginger 1 Tbsp. Blackstrap molasses 2 Tbsp. powdered sucanat Mix first 3 ingredients together. Then add eggs, oil, and milk and stir. The stir in cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, and vanilla. Next add molasses and sucanat. Bake in 8" x 8" pan at 350 for about 10 minutes. Warning: Do not let the taste of the batter sca

Pretzel Peanut Butter Crunch Donuts

Oh my goodness! I don't think there is anything better than these donuts! I've always been a huge fan of peanut butter and pretzels together. There's something about the salty sweetness that gets me every time! Well, one day I was eating pretzels with some peanut butter crunch cereal when I had this brilliant idea. Why not make donuts out of it? Donuts are just too fun! So, this is how these came to be. They are a Kenzie Original! And yes, everyone (including Nic and Dad) looved them!!  Pretzel Peanut Butter Crunch Donuts Yields about 10 Ingredients: 1 c. gluten free pretzels 1 c. gluten free some kind of peanut butter crunchy cereal 2/3 c. gluten free flour (I used a baking mix with several different flours) 1/2 c. coconut sugar 1/4 tsp. salt 2 tsp. baking powder 1 c. milk 1 tsp. vanilla 1 flax egg (1 Tbsp. ground flax mixed in 3 Tbsp. water) Preheat oven to 350. Prepare flax egg in small bowl and set aside. Mix wet ingredients in

Perfect French Bread (fat, sugar, oil free)

Hey there! I'm super excited about this recipe! It's not a creation of my own, but just the fact that it worked makes me so happy! I found this recipe in an old, Relief Society cookbook of mom's and I knew I had to try it. Ever since discovering I have IBS, I've been eating LOTS of french bread. It's great on my stomach because it is made of soluble fiber and is easily digested in my stomach. Now, I'm not saying that I like it more than whole grain/whole wheat bread because that is not the case. I wish I could eat wheat bread, but for now I'm sticking with the nice, soluble, fiber that easy on my stomach. Anywho, as I was saying, we've been buying lots of french bread recently. It's a good thing we're in Cambodia because they have nothing but french bread! People sell it in HUGE baskets on the street (we get it from the stores!). So, when I saw this recipe I thought, "hey, why not give it a go? It can't be that hard." So that is