Classic Apple Pie

As it was Thanksgiving I felt the need to make my good 'ole apple pie. This pie is sugar-free and this year I made it with a gluten-free crust(Spunky Coconut). Let me just say this: it was so good! Everyone else agreed that it was really good too-even dad! Yeah! I do want to try it so it has more of a sauce because it was kind of just apples on a crust. The recipe is this:

Apple Pie
6 or 7 apples
1/2 tsp. cinnamon
1/8 tsp. salt
1/4 cup cooking liquid (water from steaming apples. i use a lot less than that, otherwise the pie is really watery.)
1 Tbsp. lemon juice

Peel and slice apples. Steam apples for 6-7 minutes. Combine dry ingredients. Spread 1/2 of dry ingredients in pie crust. Add apple on top. Sprinkle with cooking liquid and rest of dry ingredients. Sprinkle lemon juice. Drizzle agave (you don't need very much). Dot with butter. Bake at 425 for 30 minutes with foil around the edges until last 10 minutes.

Also, yesterday I found my extreme love for real whipped cream. I've never done it before but it's delicious! I just whipped up a carton and drizzled a little bit of agave in it!
The masterpiece!


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