Oat & Banana Soft Crackers

So, I'm pretty darn excited about this recipe! And the best part about it was that I wasn't expecting to make anything even close to this. 

I had the image and idea of a wonderful, crunchy, crispy, oaty, banana-y, granola in mind. One that had mild banana flavor with banana covered oats and walnuts and dried, crunchy bananas. 

OKAY! Woah. I'm going to start salivating! So, I headed to the kitchen with this amazing picture in my mind. Unfortunately I knew I would not be able to make it to my exact liking because 1) Cambodia does not have good raw nuts and if on the rare occasion they do, they are super expensive ($6-8 for 1/2 cup.) 2) There are no dried bananas here and I knew the ones I made would not be perfect and 3) I basically did no planning for this recipe. 

Despite all of those factors, I still came up with something really good. I just had to change my mindset on granola. I had a hard time trying to name these, but finally I decided on Oat & Banana Soft Crackers. They have a soft, chewy cracker/flatbread like texture and a mild banana flavor. 

These would be great as an addition to yogurt, as a snack ( I like mine with peanut butter and jam), or whatever else you feel like! 

 This is the banana puree. I accidentally poured too much into the cup, but then it created a really cool picture!

 Ohh! Look at those vibrant colors! (That's momma's homemade raspberry jam...oh yes please!)

 So, so, so good.

Oat and Banana Soft Crackers/Flatbread

2 ½ cups rolled oats
1 cup popped amaranth
2 Tbsp. cinnamon      
4-5 shakes salt
3 bananas

Heat the oven to 350. In a large bowl mix together the oats, amaranth, cinnamon, and salt. Make a banana puree by blending the bananas in a blender with a little bit of water-should make 1 cup + 2 Tbsp. (more or less). Mix the puree in with the dry ingredients until well combined. Spray a cookie sheet with non-stick spray. Spread the mixture onto the pan until evenly spread out. For a crispier texture spread thinner. For a more thicker, breadier texture spread a little thicker. Place in the oven. Bake for (20-30??) minutes. (sorry, I forgot to keep track of the time again!!)

*** I'm not sure if you could sub anything for the amaranth or not. I think qiunoa might work, but I'm not sure. Please let me know if you try! :)


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