About Me

Welcome to my "Muggle Pensieve"! I have always loved writing, so I decided to create a space where I could write down my feelings, impressions, thoughts, and recipes! I also love to cook/bake. I'm usually too lazy to find/follow a recipe, so I make up my own! Sometimes they end up in the garbage, but sometimes they are delicious. I love going on adventures and crossing things off my bucket list! I'm am currently a student at BYU studying Exercise and Wellness. I am a licensed Massage Therapist and currently work at a beautiful spa. I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, and can't imagine what my life would be like without my Savior, Jesus Christ. 

10 Random Facts About Me:

1. I am currently in the process of writing a novel (fiction). 
2. I am always warm-you'll rarely, if ever, hear me say I'm cold.
3. Dull pencils and people shaking their legs in a seat near me are my biggest pet peeves.
4. My two favorite things are swings and sunsets!
5. My favorite car is anything adventurous looking (Nissan Xterra, Landrovers, etc)
6. We used to have 2 pet rats and they were the best pets we've ever had!
7. I lived in Cambodia for my senior year of high school (my parents were Mission Presidents for our church)
8. I love all things breakfast foods.
9. I am the youngest of 5 sisters and 1 brother.
10. I can count to ten in Russian :)


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