Zucchini Bread w/ Lemon Honey Yogurt Glaze

One of my very favorite treats that my mom would make when I was little was quick breads. I loved coming home from school, from dance, or even just down the stairs to the delicious smell of baking quick bread, be it pumpkin, zucchini, or banana. Even better was when I came before she put it in the oven and I had the chance to swipe a couple (ok, a lot) of licks from the batter. My sisters and I would always fight (lovingly of course!) over who got the bowl, the mixers, the spoons, etc. Who ever got the bowl first was one lucky duck! I remember agonizing when the bread was done and all I could do was stare at it for what seemed like hours, until my mom finally let us have some. Good times!

After I cut refined sugar from my life, I began to realize just how much sugar was in that oh-so-delightful bread. At the beginning I was more lenient with my sugar-free life (notice I don't say diet), and because it was not exactly a cookie or cake, I let myself still eat it. For a while I still didn't even realize just how much sugar was in it. Until I made the bread myself one day. I then realized that my mom's wonderful quick breads were more or less cookies, in loaf form. I was shocked to see how much sugar there was! From that time on I stopped eating that delicious bread. For a while it was one of the only things (besides my momma's chocolate chip cookies) that I had a hard time not eating. The smell just weakened me! Over time, however, I don't really even notice the smell. Sure it's a good smell, but it doesn't tempt me anymore.

Now, I don't want you getting the idea that I don't love quick breads anymore, because trust me, I do. And that is why I have made FOUR trials of this zucchini bread-I was determined to succeed in making a zucchini bread that not only tasted good, but had the right texture. I have tried many, many times to make quick breads. However, every time they turn out rubbery and hard. Their not even gooey-just rubbery. It's hard to explain. Anywho, by my third trial I was getting somewhat discouraged, because I just couldn't figure it out.

My mom then kindly suggested that I call one of our elder neighbors who is good at baking and making substitutions. So, I gave her a call and told her what ingredients I was using. She then told me what I had been dreading to hear: oil. Oil is the culprit. She said I needed to put oil in to get the right texture. I had guessed it was the oil. I was trying to make it oil free by using all applesauce instead of oil. This way I wouldn't have to worry about my IBS. Well, I finally gave in and used half applesauce and half oil. When I cut a slice of the bread using the oil I wanted to shout for joy! It was perfect!! The taste and the texture were phenomenal!

After many trials, I had finally perfected my zucchini bread! This bread is moist, slightly sweet, slightly nutty (from oats), and has a perfect crumb (no rubbery-iness this time)!!! I could not be more thrilled with the result! Needless to say, I have eaten WAY too much zucchini bread over here! I can't count how many slices I've had, but I've definitely eaten the majority of the loaf(s)! I was also thrilled that my parents both thought it was delicious! I consider it a big success if other people besides me like and eat what I make!

This bread is amazing on it's own for a snack, side to dinner, or any other time. However, put a Lemon Honey Yogurt glaze on it and you've won the state fair! :) The glaze turns it more into a dessert, although I had it with dinner, breakfast, lunch, and in-between! The glaze really makes the bread a winner!

I urge you to make this...like, now!! I promise you will not regret it! Healthy zucchini bread never hurt anyone, right?

Zucchini Bread
(refined sugar free, dairy free, soy free, nut free)

·      Dry
o   1 cup all purpose flour
o   1 cup whole wheat flour
o   1 cup oat flour (or more ap flour)
o   1 tsp. baking powder
o   ½ tsp. baking soda
o   1 tsp. Himalayan salt
o   2 tsp. cinnamon
o   ½ tsp. nutmeg
·      Wet
o   ¼ cup + 3 heaping Tbsp. unsweetened applesauce
o   ¼ cup extra virgin olive oil
o   1/3 cup + 1 Tbsp. honey
o   3 eggs
o   ¼ tsp. vanilla (or more depending on strength of vanilla)
o   1 cup zucchini, grated and squeezed of as much liquid as possible (the 1 cup is after I squeezed it)

1.     Preheat oven to 350.
2.     In a large bowl mix the dry ingredients together.
3.     In a smaller bowl thoroughly whisk the wet ingredients together.
4.     Gently fold the wet ingredients into the dry, being careful to not over-stir.
5.     Pour into two 7 x 3 ½” greased loaf pans and bake for 50-60 minutes.
6.     For a sweeter, more dessert-like loaf, make Lemon Honey Yogurt glaze and drizzle over the top of the loaf. It turns into more of a frosting if you let it sit overnight.

**You could layer the bread so: put a layer of the zucchini bread batter into the loaf pan, followed by a layer of the lemon honey yogurt glaze, followed by the rest of the batter. I actually really like it this way. Most of the yogurt soaks into the bread making it more gooey (but not too much) in the center. I would definitely recommend doing it this way!

Lemon Honey Yogurt Glaze

·      Honey, to taste
·      Fresh lemon juice, to taste
·      Plain yogurt (I used Greek)

Place a couple heaping spoonfuls of yogurt in a small bowl. Add as much honey as you want. Then squeeze as much lemon juice in the bowl as you want. Stir. Taste. Adjust until you like it (it should taste somewhat like Yoplait’s Lemon/Lemon Pie yogurt).


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