Tropical Popsicle (in a bowl) no sugar

Tropical Popsicle 

Yup, I'm a poet and I didn't even know it!

Okay, so maybe it's not a perfect rhyme, but it sounds musical doesn't it?

And so it should...this deliciously cold, icy, fruity dish will not only be music to your ears, but to every taste bud in your mouth!

It's the perfect solution to a blistering hot summer day. In fact, it could be considered don't want you eat this! :)

Okay, moving on. Anyway. It was SOOOO hot today here in Cambodia! My mom and I decided we wanted to get out of the house (the sun always looks so wonderful from the inside) so we hopped on our bike and rode to some furniture stores (we're in search of a couch that is American-people size). Add the fact that we're already sweating and hot from the bike ride, these stores don't keep their AC on in order to save money. Here we were searching in a hot, sticky, musty furniture store for about an hour. Then we rode home. Needless to say, I.WAS.HOT.

Luckily I had frozen a blend of papaya and dragon fruit this morning to try to make "ice cream". With that in mind, I climbed 4 sets of stairs, and stumbled into the kitchen (which felt even hotter than outside). I knew I had about 10 seconds before I literally melted, so I quickly scooped this magical creation into a bowl, drizzled some lemon juice and honey over it and headed to the other room where the AC was on. I plopped down right in front of the AC and downed my "tropical popsicle in a bowl".
I'm telling ya', if there was ever a need for something to cool the body with, this is it!

So, head to the blender, blend up some fruit, stick it in the freezer and enjoy!

I don't have popsicle molds, and I have a hard time trying to do them in paper cups, so I just poured the fruit in a bowl and froze it. I call it a popsicle because it tastes like one and if it's hard enough it feels like one. Mine hadn't froze all the way so it was kind of slushy...yum!

Tropical Popsicle (In-a-bowl) sugar free


little less than 1/2 of a papaya*
1/2 purple dragonfruit*
couple spoonfuls greek yogurt (optional)
honey (opt. for topping)
fresh lemon juice (opt. for topping)

In the morning blend the papaya and yogurt. Pour in a small bowl. Blend the dragonfruit and swirl it into the papaya puree (or you can just mix it all together). Freeze and enjoy with a drizzle of honey and fresh lemon juice!

*Any fruit would work. The list could go on and on, but have some fun with it! Here are some combinations I thought of:

  • strawberry/banana
  • banana/berries
  • papaya/berries
  • banana/berries/spinach


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