Apple Balsamic Crusted Fish & Beet, Pumpkin, and Couscous Salad (restaurant knock-off)

I am very excited with how this whole meal turned out! And, I'm even more excited to share it with you!

We recently found balsamic vinegar here in Cambodia, which is a real luxury.  As soon as I saw it my mind went turbo-speed thinking of all the recipes I could create with it. For some reason the combination of apples and balsamic vinegar kept coming to mind. Add those two flavors to fish and bam! You've got a gourmet dinner. Just add a crunchy topping and it makes it even better!!

Pair the fish with a classy beet, pumpkin, and couscous salad with apple vinaigrette and you've got a restaurant-worthy meal right on your table! Okay, have I got you drooling yet?!

About a month ago my sister, brother-in-law, and their 3 kids were taking a short vacation at the beach in Sihanoukville here in Cambodia. One night we ate at a very nice restaurant called, Lemongrass. Both my sister and I ordered the Beet, Pumpkin, and Couscous Salad. Upon taking the first bite both of our mouths dropped opened in utter amazement. We were stunned at how delicious all of the flavors were-it was like a fiesta in our mouth!! Throughout dinner we were speculating how we could recreate this at home. I knew it was a dish my parents would love! The original dish consisted of beets, pumpkin, couscous with raisins, and a pomegranate vinaigrette. Unfortunately we don't have pomegranates in Cambodia, so I thought apples would work well.

I was stunned at how delicious the fish turned out-it was one of those make-it-up-as-you-go type of recipes.

Disclaimer: keep in mind that this meal is probably not your typical weeknight meal as it does require some time, but it would be excellent for a fancy weekend meal!

Apple Balsamic Crusted Fish
Serves: 2-3 (using 1 fish fillet)

Apple Balsamic Marinate      
1 white fish fillet (any fish that doesn’t have a strong flavor)
            6 apples, peeled and chopped
            2 Tbsp. balsamic vinegar
            1 Tbsp. lemon juice
            1 tsp. lemon zest
            ½ cup flax meal
            ½ cup oat flour (measure the oats, then blend into flour)
            ½ cup oats
            1 tsp. Himalayan salt

1.     If the fish is frozen take it out and let it thaw.
2.     Blend the apples in a blender with some water. Pour it into a 9 x 9 inch baking dish.
3.     Mix the vinegar, lemon juice, and lemon zest into the apple puree.
4.     When the fish is thawed place it carefully into the apple mixture so that it doesn’t break. With a spoon, cover the fish with the apple mixture so you can’t see the fish anymore.
5.     Cover and let it marinate overnight in the fridge. (You could prepare it in the morning and let it marinate all day and then cook it in the night)
6.     When your ready to cook the fish, take it out of the fridge and set aside. Preheat the oven to 350.
7.     Prepare the crust by mixing the flax meal, oat flour, oats, and salt in a bowl.
8.     Uncover the fish. Sprinkle the fish with the crust mixture and mix into in with the apple mixture. There should not be any dry spots. (you may or may not use all of the crust ingredients-depending on how thick you want the crust).
9.     Bake in the oven for 30 minutes. Take out and either broil it in a small toaster oven or move the rack in your oven to the top and broil for about 20 minutes. Keep a close eye on it so it doesn’t burn. When it’s done it should have a fairly crusty top that is golden brown/black (see pictures).

Beet, Pumpkin, and Couscous Salad

3 apples, peeled and chopped (or 1 cup apple juice)
1 cup water
1 cup couscous
            scant ½ cup raisins
            2 beets, peeled and cut into little square chunks
            ¼ pumpkin** (~1-2 cups), peeled and cut into little square chunks
            feta cheese


1.     Blend the chopped apples in a blender until smooth. Using a cheesecloth squeeze the juice out to make 1 cup apple juice. (This step can be skipped by just using store-bought unsweetened juice).
2.     Bring the water to a boil in a medium sized pan. When boiling add the couscous and stir occasionally, but don’t leave the pot! When the water is all gone remove from heat and let cool slightly (couscous only takes minutes to make, so don’t leave it on the heat or it will burn). Pour the apple juice into the couscous and mix together. The drain the apple juice and gently stir in the raisins.
3.     Steam the beets and pumpkins for approximately 15-20 minutes. You don’t want them mushy so check occasionally.
4.     To arrange on the plate, press the couscous mixture into a ½ cup and then gently flip out onto a plate. Place the beets, pumpkin, and crumbled feta onto the couscous. Enjoy!!

**Sweet Potato or any other squash can be used instead of pumpkin.




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