
Showing posts from July, 2014

Plantain Tortillas and Tacos! (grain-free)

So, it's been quite a while since I've had a tacos, and let me tell you, I love tacos! It's pretty much the only kind of Mexican food I like because I hate burritos. Anyway, like I say it's been a while. A while back, when I first found out that I had Irritable Bowel Syndrome I was told not to eat red meat because it was high fat and hard to digest. So, I stayed far from it. I would have it very occasionally at family gatherings or something and my stomach always hurt after. There I was just thinking it was the red meat. However, over the last couple of weeks I've come to a realization. It wasn't the red meat at all, it was the tortilla or the corn taco shell. My experiment in eliminating grains has made me realize that my body actually likes meat and healthy fats. It's like a total switch from what I used to think was good for me I know. But hey it's working! I bought ground beef the other day, and I knew exactly what I wanted to make with it: TACO

Banana Egg Pancakes (grain-free, nut-free, dairy-free)

I love when you go out on a limb to make something new off the top of your head and then it turns out even better then you were expecting! This is one of those days, which is why I'm super excited to share this recipe with you! It requires very limited ingredients, and yet it is absolutely delicious!  I have a weakness for breakfast foods. But more specifically I love pancakes and waffles. However, having to eat grain-free kind of makes that difficult. I didn't have any other flours from nuts or anything this morning, so I decided to try and make a pancake with the things I had: eggs, banana, maple syrup, pumpkin seed butter. I've heard of making pancakes from eggs and bananas before, so I thought I would give it a try.  These pancakes are probably close to the top, if not at the top, of my list of favorite grain-free pancakes. They are extremely light and fluffy from the egg. They kind of have a spongy texture, which I liked. There is a unique banana sweetness

Cauli-Fried Rice (grain free)

I love fried rice. I always have. And after living in Cambodia for a year my love of fried rice has only increased. Now that I've started on my primal/paleo journey, using rice isn't really an option.  Cauliflower "rice" has been all over the internet of late, but I was always hesitant to try it. For one I love my rice. But now that I've discovered grains aren't good for my digestion, I decided to give cauliflower a try. When I first tried cauli-rice, I almost gagged. I've tried it twice since then and have decided that if the taste of the cauliflower is covered up in enough flavor I'm fine with it. I actually really enjoyed it in this fried rice, which is saying a lot.   It's super easy to make to, especially if you have pre-made the cauliflower rice. I also used a frozen vegetable mix to make it faster. This recipe is extremely adaptable, so if you have more people just add more ingredients.   Cauli-Fried Rice (grain free) goat bu

Creamy Parmesan Dressing (soy, lactose, FODMAP free)

Trying to find salad dressings is like my worst nightmare. I honestly dread having to try to find a salad dressing that works for me and makes my tummy happy. This is quite unfortunate because I absolutely love salads! However, I've decided that having a good salad dressing determines whether or not I'm in the mood for a salad.  Finding a dressing that is free of soy, dairy, onion, and garlic is pretty much impossible. And the ones that do exist are no bueno. Not to mention they are expensive and usually contain oils like canola or safflower, which I don't totally love. I've tried multiple times to make my own vinaigrettes from olive oil, balsamic vinegar, etc. But, I've just never loved those. I'm much more of a creamy salad dressing kind of girl. Thus came the creation of my creamy parmesan dressing: To my delight, parmesan cheese is lactose-free so I tried blending the cheese with some olive oil and other ingredients, and to my delight this delicious