thursday things #1

I've decided to start a little "thing" on my blog, if I can keep it up. It's called "Thursday Things". I will be posting things that are going on in my life and things that I'm loving! This weeks edition is highlighting things I'm loving in America so far (I just got back from being in Cambodia for a year):

1. Sunflower seed butter!!!!!!!!
6 months ago, I would have said that I was addicted to natural peanut butter (the kind with just peanuts-no oil or sugar). And I definitely was. It was my main source of protein everyday. I'd eat it by the spoonful-easily. That was, until I found out that I was allergic to peanuts. That (along with several other allergies) explained the cause of my stomach pain. Well, I stopped eating peanut butter cold turkey the day I found out. However, I still craved a peanut butter sandwich, or peanut butter on my pancakes. I had heard about sunbutter before, and knew I had to try some. So, the 4th day being in America, I immediately went and bought some, and boy, did it deliver! It's amazing!!!! All I can say is that if you've never had it, have it!

2. Rice Dreams ice cream -no dairy or refined sugar
Along with sunbutter, I was also craving sugar free ice cream. I used to love So Delicious Coconut ice cream, but I'm allergic to coconut. I was determined to find an ice cream (non-dairy & sugar free), and I was happy to find this lovely. Note: I devoured it in 3 days!

3. Driving a car!
After a year of not driving, it was so much fun to get back in the car and drive! I love it! Well, until winter comes, that is.

4. American music on the radio and grocery stores (when it's good music)
It has been so much fun to hear music that I love again. I found myself singing to my favorite songs in the grocery store!

5. American grocery stores!
 I spent an hour just walking around the store just loving it all!
I don't know if you know this, but I LOVE grocery stores. I would much rather walk through a grocery store than a shopping mall! I was having way to much fun walking through an American grocery store and seeing all the yummy food I love! It's also super nice to be able to pick up any product and be able to read the label, instead of it being in Japanese, Chinese, or Khmer, which is really nice when you have so many allergies.

6. It stays light outside until 9:00pm!!
This is probably one of my most favorite things! To my surprise, it got dark around 5 or 6pm in Cambodia, but here it stays light until 9! I love being able to go on walks after dinner when it's still light!

7. Peaches! 
Oh how I LOVE those juicy, sweet, yummy fruits!
I didn't realize how much I was craving peaches until I went to my sister's house and ate the most delicious peach! It was juicy, sweet, and just perfect! I am now desperately wanting waffles or crepes and peaches-Mmm!!

8. Taking walks in quiet neighborhoods where you can actually walk on the sidewalk. I love taking walks. Especially after dinner. It helps my stomach digest my food quicker when I go on walks after I eat instead of just sitting still. It's also just super relaxing.

9. Not having to worry about ants swarming at every crumbs & no mosquitos.
It's really weird coming home and realizing that it's okay if I don't wipe the counter because there's no ants or mosquitos. I still wipe them down thoroughly because I'm a little bit of a neat freak, but still, it's nice not to have to worry!

10. Mountains!
It feels SO good to be back in the mountains! Some people don't like them because they feel boxed in, but boy oh boy do I love them! I guess growing up surrounded by them makes you love them. It's nice to breathe in fresh, clean air instead of polluted, dusty air.


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