
Showing posts from July, 2013

Blueberry Waffles (gf, df, refined sugar free, low fat)

Hi there! I have been dying  to cook. This whole "floating-around-until-school-starts" is really getting to me. I don't know how much longer I can live out of suitcases. I've been traveling between my sibling's houses/apartments as well as friends houses. Last week my sister and I took a 3 day trip down to the Utah Shakespearean Festival, which was amazing!!  It's a tradition in my family to go down there every year and see the plays. With my family spread over several states and continents, that tradition was kind of put on the back burner. However, my sister and I decided to go this year and continue the tradition. The plays we saw were "12 Angry Men", "Peter and the Starcatcher", and "Love Labour's Lost". It was a very fun, relaxing trip and I'm so glad we went. Needless to say, however, all I wanted to do when I got back was experiment in the kitchen. Yesterday I tried, but my mind was such a whirlwind of ideas

Chocolate Chip Sunbutter Donuts w/ Honey Lime Glaze

We're up at my cabin for the weekend, and being up at my cabin always makes me want to eat treats. I had luckily remembered to grab our mini donut maker from the house before we came. I did, however, forget to bring ingredients to make anything with. I'm experimenting with a rotation diet to see if that will help my stomach, as my body gets used to food quickly. So, because of that I was focused on bringing so much other food for meals the rest of the day that I didn't think about bringing things to bake with. My cabin is also the closest thing I have to home this summer as my parents are still in Cambodia on a LDS mission. I've been floating around between my sister's home and friends houses. It's nice to come up here and feel more at home. It also makes me feel less guilty about experimenting in the kitchen because I know the ingredients are mine to use. As soon as I came up here I scavenged the cupboards and pantry to see what we still had up here. To m

Single Serving Waffle w/ Summer Berry Sauce

I've been craving a waffle for a long time. Having recently discovered and fallen in love with spelt flour, I knew I had to create a spelt waffle recipe. I'm also in the mode of creating single-serving recipes as I will be off to college in a month and don't want stacks and stacks of waffles sitting around. I also got the single serving idea because spelt flour is not cheap, and I didn't want to waste half the flour on tons of waffles that might go bad. Thus, the single serving waffle was created. I decided I actually really like the single-serving idea because then I only eat one waffle. When there's more, I usually just munch and munch on them. This waffle turned out perfect ! It had a nice crumb that was slightly crispy. I am totally a crispy waffle fan. I don't like the soft, gooey kind (I know, the one thing I don't like gooey!). I love the crunchy sound it makes when you put your fork to the waffle! This waffle is also conveniently dairy, su