I Rise For My Flag

I am not one to talk about politics or really be bold in that department, but I've been feeling like I need to write about this for a little bit now, especially with everything that's been happening in the world lately. I think the time for being timid and quiet when it comes to right versus wrong is gone. It seems like in today's world all we ever hear about is disaster: natural disasters, terrorism, shootings, rebellion...etc. Is there any end to the misery, crime, and entitlement? You know, I see the news about sports players refusing to respect our country's flag, and it breaks my heart.
Do they truly understand what went into that flag?
Do they realize that millions have died protecting that flag, and making sure it can wave strong and free everyday?
Do they understand that someone is risking their life everyday in order to protect their rights to disrespect both of their country's flag?

We live in an age of entitlement. Our world is run by iphones, ipads, iwatches. It's no surprise to me that people are starting to live in their own little iworlds. With so much happening in the virtual world of our own little technological bubbles, do we really understand the impact that our actions have on those around us? On the world? I fully respect and am grateful for our freedom of speech in this country. And speech can be interpreted as the words we speak, the words we write, and the messages we send through action and deed. I get that. But what I don't understand is the blatant disrespect for privileges that we have in this country that so much of the world doesn't have. Maybe you don't like the President. That's fine. That's your opinion and you are free to have it and even share it. But that doesn't mean you have to disrespect the office of President. Living in a place where the political offices were abused all for the want of power, I have come to deeply respect our country's system of government. It's absolutely amazing that we get to vote for who we want as our country's leader. We have a system of checks and balances that keeps that power in order. Some of my heroes are the Founding Fathers. What they did for this country...the government that they created... was not by the hand of mere human intellect or skill, although that certainly played a large role. No. This country was built because Heavenly Father wanted it to be so. The Founding Father's created our country, with all of our freedoms and rights, because that's how Heavenly Father wanted it to be created. I am proud to stand for my flag, and all of the sacrifices, the pain, the persecution, the freedoms, the privileges, and the rights that it represents. I am proud to say that we are "one nation under God".

But what about all the people who abuse their rights and privileges, and therefore deny other people their freedom? It's a hard and painful thing to swallow each time there is news of another shooting, whether it be at a school, at a concert, at a club. Wherever it happens, however it happens, it leaves a bitter aftertaste. How can we just go on letting this happen? There is no easy answer to these kinds of problems. However, I don't think it's so much a problem of letting people have guns. I think it's what happens before people ever touch their weapon of choice that really matters. I wonder what would happen if we popped our ibubbles and looked around us. Maybe there is somebody who is desperately seeking a kind smile, a wave, a friendly 'hello'. Maybe there is someone who is surrounded by everyone, and yet feels like a no one. It's these people I worry about. It's us as humanity that I worry about. Rather than always placing the blame on other people, maybe we should take a look at our own lives. Our country's anthems claim bravery, courage, perseverance, wisdom, freedom. But it's impossible for our country to claim such beautiful characteristics if it's people don't live by those high moral standards.

Let's remember those who have sacrificed so much before us to create a country of freedom and rights. Whether you agree with current politics or not, you can still respect the flag, the freedoms, and the offices. Because let's face it: we have more blessings and privileges than the majority of people in this world. Rather than filling with bitterness towards the person who wronged innocent people, let's look at how we judge other's. Are we imprisoning people in our own imperfect judgements? Will they do anything in order to break free of that imprisonment and be noticed? Yes, it's easy to place the blame on others. But when I was younger, I was always told that when you point a finger at someone else, you're also pointing back to yourself. I used to scoff at that, but there is truth to it. Perhaps we should focus on taking out the beam in our own eyes before we point at the sliver in someone else.

All in all, I love this country. I love those who sacrificed so much to create a foundation in which freedoms and rights could flourish. I'm grateful and proud to be an American. I will forever pledge allegiance to my flag, to my country, and to my God.


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