
Showing posts from January, 2015

Where Do We Pitch Our Tents?

So I was reading the Book of Mormon the other day when I came across a verse that really stuck out to me. Usually I just skip right over this one, but on this day it struck me in a new way (I love that about the scriptures-they are always new!). The verse is 1 Nephi 2:6 which says, "And it came to pass that when he [Lehi] had traveled three days in the wilderness, he pitched his tent in a valley by the side of a river of water".  I got to thinking about the symbolism of a valley and a river. Throughout their travels, Nephi mentions that they pitched their tents next to rivers several times. What is the significance of a river? Well, if you think about it, Jesus Christ has said that He is the Living Water (John 7:38-39). Symbolically, Lehi and his family were always pitching their tents next to Jesus Christ, the Living Water. They stayed close to Jesus their entire journey. Upon realizing this I asked myself, "Am I always pitching my "tent", or my life, next

The Change Process

I feel like at this time of year there is always a lot of talk about change. It is culture to set new goals and ambitions at the start of a new year. I've always believed that setting goals is a very important thing to do. However, despite making these goals, I find myself never accomplishing them how I would like. This happens year after year. It seems like no matter how hard I try I never get the results I want. Well, this year something's snapped within me. I'm sick of not becoming the person I want to be and know I can! This is the year change WILL happen! The Change Process is something that I recently learned about and want to share because I found it incredibly insightful and helpful. I finally was able to see the specific steps that need to be done in order to change. I realized what all is encompassed in change. So without further ado… Step A: DESIRE-- "I want to change" this one is pretty straight forward. We need to have a desire to change in

The Refiner's Fire

I wanted to share my experience about deciding whether or not to go on a mission, in hopes that people will understand my choices thus far. My hope is that what I'm writing will help someone who is struggling in any way. I ask only that you respect what I have shared here. These experiences are very sacred and special to me. Two weeks before school started in September I had a very powerful and spiritual experience at work. At the time I worked at Good Earth Natural Foods and worked as a cashier. I was having sort of a rotten morning. For some reason I just wasn't happy. I then helped an older gentlemen who such a difference in my life. I will always remember him and his counsel. He told me that I am beautiful and that I don't need to compare myself to anyone else. What's important is that I look in the mirror and see myself as beautiful. I remember exactly what he said, but that was the gist of it. I remember tears coming to my eyes as he talked to me. In my mind I