Worth It

As a kid and even as a teenager, whenever we went on hikes or vacations, I would hop out of the car and immediately hand my water bottle and anything else I had to my mom and say, "Here will you hold this?" I asked it as a question, but never really meant it that way. I just assumed she would carry all of my things for me. I remember her carrying these heavy bags everywhere we went because us kids couldn't be bothered to carry our own things. When I think about it now, I cringe thinking about the heavy packs of water, cameras, jackets, and souvenirs that she trekked with around Disneyland, numerous airports, and various other locations around the world. And I never once heard her complain.

As my mother so selflessly did for my temporal (and often emotional) burdens, Jesus Christ invites us to come unto Him that are burdens may be made light. He is offering to carry what we feel too weak to carry. I have had experiences in my life when the Savior has answered my prayers and helped, not only carry my burdens, but also me as a whole. But what about the times when we don't feel like he's answering our prayers and helping us with our burdens? What about the times when maybe we feel abandoned or forgotten? I'm here to tell you because I know from experience that it is:


A diamond is made from coal, but only after a tremendous amount of pressure has been applied. It can require as much as 1 million times the pressure of the atmosphere. If that little piece of coal endures the weight, it will slowly start to transform. The same goes for us. If we endure the heavy weight of depression, anxiety, loneliness, illness, pain, and hardship with faith and trust in God's Plan, then we will slowly start to transform. When Adam and Eve were in the Garden of Eden they were incapable of changing. They were in an a-mortal state. They lived in peace, enjoying the fruits of the earth. They didn't know hardship and trial and because of that they could not progress. We have been blessed with the heavy burdens of mortality so that we can progress and work towards becoming like our Father in Heaven.

It's also
A piece of coal requires two things to become a diamond. First, pressure. Second, time. It can take anywhere from 1-3 billion years for coal to become the shiny, sparkling diamond we love. We have been blessed with the ability to communicate directly with our Heavenly Father through prayer. But sometimes we expect Him to answer us right away. Yet sometimes the answer is to wait. Heavenly Father knows the big picture. It's hard for our mortal minds to comprehend that there is no beginning or end. That our eternal journey is infinite. This mortal life is simply a fraction of our existence. It's worth the wait!

The burdens we carry are given to us for a reason. 
The reward of progress and improvement are worth the weight and wait. God does His
work in us while we learn to rely on our Savior, Jesus Christ. 

Simply, Kenzie M


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