The Road to Middoni

This morning I was reading in the Book of Mormon in Alma 20. At this point, King Lamoni and his household have been converted to the gospel. Lamoni desires that Ammon come to his father's kingdom with him. However, Alma refuses, telling Lamoni that He has been instructed by the Lord to deliver his brothers in Middoni. Ammon also knows that should he go to Lamoni's father, his life will be in danger. Learning that these instructions are from the Lord, Lamoni insists that he will go with Ammon since he is friends with the king of Middoni.

As they are journeying to Middoni, they run into Lamoni's father. The more I read over this passage and thought about it, the more clear it became that it was all in Heavenly Father's plan. I have no doubt that Heavenly Father knew Ammon and Lamoni would run into Lamoni's father on their way to Middoni. Why then was the Spirit so strong in instructing Ammon not to go to see Lamoni's father in his kingdom? Well that's just it. Perhaps the reason that this interaction happened on the road to Middoni is that it put Lamoni's father and Ammon on a more equal playing field. Here Ammon had the power and ability to show Lamoni's father how powerful he was in the Spirit of the Lord. Perhaps Lamoni's father was more receptive to the Spirit in this setting. I doubt Lamoni's father would be so easily moved had he been seated on his throne, surrounded by his associates.

The most important thing that I learned from this story is the importance of always being in tune with the Spirit. Ammon was so in tune that He was able to heed the warning given not to go to the King's land and instead go to Middoni. It got me thinking about what increases the Spirit in my life? I often focus on what I can get rid of/change to bring the Spirit in, but then I forget that it's equally important to focus on filling our lives with good things.

"when it comes to revelation, we must properly tune our receiver to heaven’s frequency" 

-Elder Larry Wilson (April 2018)

So what increases the Spirit in my life? Here is the list I came up with.

  • Studying the scriptures daily: asking myself why certain passages were included in the scriptures; recording my thoughts; pondering
  • Studying the conference talks and employing the same things as above
  • Family History: learning to recognize the directions the Spirit is leading me in research
  • Going to the temple: it's quiet, still, and thought-provoking
  • Taking the time to sincerely pray and then listen. The Spirit is always stronger when I really council with God in prayer.
  • Doing acts of service because I genuinely want to. The Spirit is increased in my life when I'm focused on making other's happy. 
  • Listening and singing to church music.
  • Taking the sacrament-a time for reflection. 
  • Journal writing-recognizing the Lord's hand in my life and exercising gratitude. 
  • Being in nature-away from noise and distractions; surrounded by God's creations
  • Reading, watching, and listening to stories about the Savior's life, ministry, and teachings reminds me why I want to be like Him; it inspires me to be better. 
  • Priesthood blessings-literally Heavenly Father talking to me. 
  • Having a clean, organized atmosphere/living space
  • Being around children, especially babies. 

I encourage you to make a list of what fills your life with the Spirit. And rather than just saying: reading my scriptures....consider what it is about reading the scriptures that increases the Spirit. How do you go about reading them that brings the Spirit? What is it about going to the temple that brings the Spirit.

We don't always see God's plan laid out neatly in front of us. In fact, very rarely is it ever like that. Instead, God works through the quiet whisperings of the Spirit to gently instruct and guide us in certain directions. Sometimes the direction that we feel we need to go in doesn't make much sense and is nerve racking. But in the end, if we have filled our lives with things that bring the Spirit and are responsive to the promptings we receive, we will be guided in the direction we need to go.

I had a really neat experience with this just the other Sunday. I had the distinct impression before going to church that I should take my computer and go to the family history class during Sunday School. I really wanted to go to a different Sunday School class though. But this thought just kept coming into my mind over and over that I really needed to work on family history during Sunday School. So, I lugged my computer up to church and worked on family history. It was getting to the last five minutes of the class and I still hadn't had any success. I finally said a silent prayer pleading with Heavenly Father to help me find the information I needed to find. Before I had even finished praying I knew exactly where I needed to look to find the information. I did so, and lo and behold the information I had been looking for for six months was staring me in the face. It was a huge eye opener and faith building experience for me to see first hand how when we follow the promptings of the Holy Ghost, we will be directed in the direction we need to go. I had no idea that morning that by going to that class and working on family history I would find the needed information. Similarly, Ammon and Lamoni had no idea they would run into Lamoni's father on the road to Middoni. But because they did, Ammon was able to deliver his brothers from prison.

Our God will never forsake us. He will never abandon us. He knows what is best for us. It is our responsibility to trust Him and have unwavering faith in Him and His timetable.

Kenzie M


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