
Showing posts from January, 2018

Sweet Communion

What does communion mean? I love words and I love knowing their exact definitions, so when we came across that word in Relief Society today, I decided to look it up. I came across four definitions: 1. the sharing or exchanging of intimate thoughts and feelings, especially when the exchange is on a mental or spiritual level. 2. the bond uniting Christians as individuals with Jesus. 3. spiritual union 4. entering a close relationship with Christ. I also found several synonyms: friendship, connection, communication, unity, understanding, closeness, togetherness, harmony. We often associate the idea of communion with the ordinance of the sacrament. The sacrament is a time for us to renew sacred covenants with God. As the Bible Dictionary explains: "in partaking of the sacrament emblems, one seeks fellowship with the Master". President David O. McKay further explains that during the sacrament we each have "an opportunity to search ourself introspectively and to consi

What More Can I Learn?

A week ago Tuesday my dad took me out to breakfast and we had a really great conversation about something that's been on my mind a lot. The premise of this conversation was my sweet Grandpa Thomas (who passed away the Friday after this took place). For years he struggled with debilitating back pain/severe scoliosis and dementia among other things. It was hard to watch him struggle. But, he took on the trial with dignity and never ending patience and faith. He could make a room full of people smile, even when he was in pain. But as the years passed we continued to watch him get worse and worse.  It's true that trials help us grow and become closer to Christ. Rather than asking "why me" we should ask what we can learn. I agree with this one hundred percent, and it's kept me going during some of my hardest challenges. For years I remember thinking that there was a lot that we all could learn from my grandpa's experience. I know I learned so much watching my gr