Being Charity

I was studying my scriptures this morning and came across the following verse in the Book of Mormon:

"Now it came to pass after Abinadi had spoken these words that the people of King Noah durst not lay their hands on him, for the Spirit of the Lord was upon him; and his face shone with exceeding luster, even as Moses' did while in the mount of Sinai, while speaking with the Lord." 
Mosiah 13:5 (italics added).

What do we do, or how do we live, to ensure that others can see the Light of Christ in us? I know I want others to look at me and see Christ through me. I want my face to "shine with exceeding luster". I want others to see that "the Spirit of the Lord is upon me". How do I do that?

As I was pondering these questions I thought about how we must be as Christ is in order for people to see His countenance in ours. In 1 John 2:6 it says "He that saith he abideth in him ought himself also so to walk, even as he walked". How do we then truly take Christ's name upon us? How do we live as Christ lives? The answer came for me in two simple words:

Being Charity

At first when I was writing this down, the editor in me automatically wanted to switch it to "being charitable". That makes more sense right? In the English language it is more grammatically correct and it is by all means a true statement. But the Spirit stopped me from changing it.

There is something to the statement of "Being Charity". Isn't Jesus Christ charity itself? Charity means the Pure Love of Christ. Jesus is Pure Love. He doesn't simply have charity. He is charity itself. He is Pure Love. He is infinitely capable of loving us perfectly and purely, without any hidden agenda, without malice, without grudge, without judgement. He is love. And "he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him" (1 John 4:16).

Having charity is a good place to start. The more we exercise this Pure Love of Christ, the more it becomes a part of who we are. How do we become charity, or the Pure Love of Christ? Moroni gives a beautiful sermon on charity in chapter 7:45-48. What does being charity look like? Moroni instructs that being charity is:
-being long-suffering
-being kind
-being grateful, rather than envious
-being meek and humble
-being focused on others rather than seeking our own
-being temperate rather than easily provoked or irritated
-being virtuous in thought and deed
-being strong against temptation
-being filled with joy for truth
-enduring with faith
-believing all things
-being filled with hope

Being charity is being pure. After having this thought, I was slightly discouraged: our mortal beings are imperfect and cannot achieve perfect pureness. But that is okay. We have the beautiful truth and understanding that we are divine and eternal beings with the potential to become perfectly pure. We have Heavenly DNA in us, and because of that it is our privilege to one day become as Christ is.

I have this problem where if I know I don't have enough time or I know I won't finish something in one sitting I don't work on it. I would rather finish the entire homework assignment than only get part way through it. I think sometimes it's easy to have that mentality about our divine potential and our ability to one day become like the Father and Jesus Christ. It's easy to think: well, I know I won't be able to become perfect in this life, so I'll just wait until the life hereafter to work on being perfect. Why try to do something that isn't achievable in this life?

I don't know if anyone else has ever felt like this, but I know for me it's only a weakness. It a mindset that prevents me from reaching my full potential that is possible in this life.

But I wonder if there's even a problem with my mindset in dividing eternity into: this life, the life after this, etc. Isn't eternity just one big journey? God teaches us that there is no beginning and no end. So why wait for the next part of the journey to get started on becoming the best we can?

I am a firm believer that we are our greatest limitation. What would happen if we just give "being charity" a chance? I am the first one that will tell you it's not always easy, but it is possible. Moroni instructs us to "pray unto the Father with all the energy of heart, that ye may be filled with this love" (Moroni 7:48). If you are having a hard time being kind towards someone or feeling love for them, pray for them. I know from doing this in my own life that you will be filled with the Pure Love of Christ. Pray to see other's the way Christ does. He know everything about everyone, and if we ask sincerely and willingly, He will give us a measure of His pure love so that we can love them the way He does.

So let's focus on becoming charity. No, we won't be able to achieve perfect, pure love while in this mortal part of our journey. But I wonder if we are more capable of becoming as Christ is than we think. This Christmas season is a perfect time to focus on becoming the Pure Love of Christ. 

Kenzie M


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