
Showing posts from July, 2015

Creamy Brussel Sprout Salad

I want to wish everyone a late Happy Independence Day! I love this holiday and what it means. With all that's going on in the political world, it's nice to have a day to remember what so many people have done to keep our country free. I mean, just think about it. Everyone voicing their opinion, critiquing others, etc. All of that is possible because we have the freedom to say that. Yeah, you might not like what other's say, but just be grateful that we have the freedom to talk. So many people in this world would and do die for the opportunity to have freedom. Let's take a moment, and be grateful for our freedom and what our forefather's sacrificed for us. Ok, I'm off my freedom rant…on to the good food! I think this is the first time I've ever cooked brussel sprouts. I've always thought two things about brussel sprouts. First, how in the world do you cook them? Second, they will hurt my stomach (says every IBS book out there). Well, I thought I wo

Chocolate Pudding and Sugar Story

I wanted to post a little about my story with sugar. I'm slowly trying to add more and more about me as I post, so you can get to know me a little better. When I was in the 8th grade, my friend was doing a "no sugar" challenge for a year. Her parents had promised her a significant amount of money if she could do it. When she told us about it, I immediately wanted to do it. The competitive side in me kicked into gear and I vowed to myself that from that moment on I would not eat sugar. I wasn't doing it for money or anything, just simply for my own challenge. I wanted to see how long I could go without sugar for. So, I quit sugar cold turkey. Sure the sugary stuff looked good, but I kept going strong. As my self-induced challenge continued I found myself dropping more and more weight. I liked that. Being a dancer I saw that as a good thing. As more and more weight came off, I became more and more obsessive about not eating sugar, and eventually restricting food. I won&