Creamy Brussel Sprout Salad

I want to wish everyone a late Happy Independence Day! I love this holiday and what it means. With all that's going on in the political world, it's nice to have a day to remember what so many people have done to keep our country free. I mean, just think about it. Everyone voicing their opinion, critiquing others, etc. All of that is possible because we have the freedom to say that. Yeah, you might not like what other's say, but just be grateful that we have the freedom to talk. So many people in this world would and do die for the opportunity to have freedom. Let's take a moment, and be grateful for our freedom and what our forefather's sacrificed for us.

Ok, I'm off my freedom rant…on to the good food!

I think this is the first time I've ever cooked brussel sprouts. I've always thought two things about brussel sprouts. First, how in the world do you cook them? Second, they will hurt my stomach (says every IBS book out there). Well, I thought I would venture onto the road less traveled and pick up some brussel sprouts at the store. I decided to get them frozen though because I didn't want them to go bad while I decided what to make with them.

I recently moved home to help clean the house before my parents get back from their 3 year mission to Cambodia. That being said, there is not much to play with as far as food goes, so I decided to put together some things that sounded good. Ham (yes, it's canned), bacon, mayo, dijon mustard, and brussel sprouts. It's not the most healthy dish, but it sure tasted good! The dish got the approval from everyone in my family, so hopefully you like it to!

Creamy Brussel Sprout Salad

-1 16oz bag frozen brussel sprouts
-1 can ham or chicken (tuna will give it a fishy taste)
-3 slices bacon
-1/2 cup mayo
-1 tsp. dijon mustard (or to taste)
-salt to taste

-Place brussel sprouts in a medium sized pot. Pour in 3/4 cup of water and bring to boil. Continue to let brussel sprouts cook.
-Place the ham in a medium sized bowl and break it up with a fork.
-Cook the bacon and set aside to cool.
-When the brussel sprouts are tender, start mashing them a little bit with a fork. Then put them in the bowl with the ham.
-Crumble the bacon into the bowl.
-Put the mayo and mustard in the bowl and mix/mash everything together with a fork. \
-Add salt to taste.


Kenzie M


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