I Love You Dad!

I am so grateful for this day that we have to celebrate our father's. I want to dedicate this post to my father because I love him so much and I'm so incredibly grateful to have an example like him in my life. He's always been there for me and now I want to give a little something back to him. I know that I will never be able to express in words just how much I love and appreciate him, but I'll try! Here are some reasons why I love him:

1. He loves my mother.
2. He is a righteous Priesthood holder, and always able to give me blessings.
3. He is charitable.
4. He is wise.
5. He can always calm me down when I am upset or confused.
6. I love his big warm hugs that make me feel safe.
7. I love his "non-smile" when he trying to trick us.
8. For the countless hours he spent helping me with math in high school.
9. For all of the father's interviews we had where I knew I could openly express my feelings and troubles.
10. For all of the daddy-daughter dates we went on.
11. For making me feel like a princess, and helping me understand that I truly am one.
12. For sharing his wisdom with me when I need advice.
13. He may not know it, but he motivates me to work harder.
14. He is service-oriented and always looking out for those who are in need.
15. For being patient and letting all of us girls talk about girly things. :)
16. For showing me how a loving husband and father should act.
17. He has been a father to not only me and my siblings, but about 130 other young adults while being the Mission President of Cambodia.
18. He is dedicated to the Lord.
19. For showing me what true Christianity is by not only shoveling the snow on our driveway but several other neighbors who were not able to do it for themselves.
20. His knowledge about the Gospel.
21. For letting me drive his big red truck on my 16th birthday!
22. For playing the piano as we would all dance around.
23. For his countless hours working in the garden to show me the value of hard work and self-sustaining.
24. For encouraging me to chase my dreams.
25. For all the piggy back rides up to my bed.
26. For all of the bed time stories as me and my sisters would cuddle with him on the couch.
27. For letting me eat the cashews in his truck.
28. For taking me to see ballets even when he didn't love them.
29. His appreciation for arts in general and encouraging us to develop our talents.
30. For working hard each and every day to support us.
31. For sacrificing so much for the Lord, and showing me the blessings that come from those sacrifices.
32. His sense of humor.
33. His ability to love without judging.
34. He's one of the smartest people I know.
35. He treats my mom like a queen and all of his daughters like princesses.
36. For letting us ride on his tractor out in the garden.
37. He expounds on the scriptures and helps me understand them better.
38. He is a real life example of the Good Samaritan.
39. He has taught me that those who are blessed and fortunate have a responsibility to help others and lift them up.
40. He listens and understands me.

Dad, I love you more than words can describe. I am so grateful that my Heavenly Father blessed me with such an amazing earthly father. Thank you for all you do for me and for so many people. I can't wait to see you in just 2 short weeks!!!
I love you to the moon and back plus infinity!!
Kenzie M


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