I love you mom!

As it is the season to celebrate mother's, I wanted to dedicate this post to my mother. I honestly don't know what I would do without her. She is my saving grace. It has been so hard to be so far apart these past 2 years as they have been serving a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in Cambodia. Only 2 more months left though and I will be able to give her a hug! Here are just some of the reasons I love and am grateful for my mom:

1. She listens to me. 
2. She takes time to be with me even when she is busy or tired. 
3. She encourages me to keep going when life gets hard. 
4. She gives me advice and counsel. 
5. She has always sought to raise a righteous family, and she has succeeded!
6. She teaches me about the Gospel and how to be more like my Savior Jesus Christ by her word and example. 
7. She values motherhood.
8. Her testimony is never shaken. 
9. She is constantly serving others. 
10. She has an amazing sense of humor.
11. I love the words she makes up on the spot that are hilarious!
12. I love that she has taught me so many skills: cooking, sewing, gardening, handwork, budgeting, shaving…you name it!
13. She is empathetic.
14. She is patient
15. She is kind.
16. She is honest.
17. She helps me keep my focus on the Savior and reminds me of the importance of the little things like scripture study, FHE, etc. 
18. Our house is a home when she is there.
19. When I was in grade school, she always tried to be there when I got home from school, and if she couldn't she would leave a sweet note saying she was sorry. 
20. For making me feel like a princess time and time again. 
21. For coming to dance recitals every night and watching the same show 4 times to support me. 
22. For driving me to dance lessons everyday when I was little. 
23. For helping me chase my dream of being a dancer. 
24. She encourages me to accomplish the dreams I have. 
25. She gets excited about boys with me :)
26. I love the early morning walks we would take up at our cabin, when we would talk and talk about my life and how I was doing. 
27. For loving my father and supporting him in all of his church callings. 
28. For showing me how to be an amazing wife and mother. 
29. For teaching me the importance of serving others. 
30. For dealing with all of my crazy emotions and being forever patient. 
31. For all the nights when I was sick and couldn't sleep. She would watch animated Bible/Book of Mormon videos with me in the family room in the middle of the night. 
32. For being the best nurse anyone could ever ask for. 
33. I love her for carrying me for nine months so that I could enter this beautiful world. 
34. I love her for giving me the confidence to be myself. 
35. For being my best friend when I felt like I didn't have any. 
36. For teaching me about how to be healthy. 
37. She is the most meek and humble person I have ever known. 
38. For all of the wonderful back rubs she has given me. 
39. For letting me watch Biggest Loser with her on a school night :)
40. For always encouraging and supporting me but never forcing or condemning.

Motherhood is such a sacred duty and a wonderful opportunity to become like our Heavenly Father. Although I have not had children of my own, I have heard countless mothers say that the love they feel for their children is the closest you can get to understanding and comprehending God's love for us. I am excited to be a mom and to raise my own children.
Mom, I love you so much. You are without doubt one of my heroes and I love you so very much! I'm excited to see you in 2 months!!

-Simply Kenzie M

Question of the day: What do you love about your mother? Leave a comment!


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