
Showing posts from May, 2015

Eternal Perspective

This weekend I had the opportunity to go to Zions National Park and hike Angel's Landing. The hike is well known in Utah for being dangerous and difficult, but beautiful and rewarding. I'm not much of a hiker, so why I signed up to hike it I don't know. I will tell you that I'm grateful I did it, but I probably won't do it again. We started the hike at about noon and I was already very tired. The heat was really getting to me, and as we were on the shuttle that was taking us to the trail head all I wanted to do was sleep. When we got to the trail head I looked up and thought, "why in the world am I doing this. This is going to be so hard". I could see little ant-like figures winding around the mountain making their way to the top. I felt overwhelmingly tiny and insignificant compared to this giant mountain. We began the hike, and before we were even a quarter of the way up I was tired, hot, and out of breath.  I kept going, determined that I would make i

Finding Comfort in Jesus Christ

He comforts us when we are alone Of all the people to be born on this Earth, none has walked a lonelier path than that of one man: Jesus Christ. In Isaiah 63:3 Christ says, “I have trodden the winepress alone; and of the people there was none with me” and in verse 5 He says, “and I looked, and there was none to help; and I wondered that there was non to uphold”.   The life of Jesus Christ was spent devoted to others. All He ever did was heal those around Him, whether physically or spiritually. Never was there a time when He denied anyone His love. He sat at dinner with sinners, He stopped for the women who touched his clothes, He was there for Jairus when His daughter needed saving, and He was there to comfort and mourn with Mary and Martha over Lazarus’ death. In the Bible Dictionary under Comforter, it states that “Jesus Christ is the second Comforter and that when any man obtains this comforter, Christ will attend to him.” Not only is He our comforter now, but He was the comfor

I love you mom!

As it is the season to celebrate mother's, I wanted to dedicate this post to my mother. I honestly don't know what I would do without her. She is my saving grace. It has been so hard to be so far apart these past 2 years as they have been serving a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in Cambodia. Only 2 more months left though and I will be able to give her a hug! Here are just some of the reasons I love and am grateful for my mom: 1. She listens to me.  2. She takes time to be with me even when she is busy or tired.  3. She encourages me to keep going when life gets hard.  4. She gives me advice and counsel.  5. She has always sought to raise a righteous family, and she has succeeded! 6. She teaches me about the Gospel and how to be more like my Savior Jesus Christ by her word and example.  7. She values motherhood. 8. Her testimony is never shaken.  9. She is constantly serving others.  10. She has an amazing sense of humor. 11.