
Showing posts from November, 2018

The Cloud

*Disclaimer: the upcoming message is not meant to say that all technology and social media is inherently evil. Imagine that we live in a world where there is a constant, dense cloud above our heads. In this cloud there are all kinds of things. There are TBH’s, LOL’s, OMG’s, TBT’s, and a myriad of smiley faces and thumbs ups. There are angry birds, frowny faces, and vines.  Bit by bit people lose focus on the world around them and get caught up in this entertaining cloud. People start reaching for the cloud and find comfort in those happy little smiley faces and the successful “likes” that the cloud has given them. Eventually everyone is looking at the cloud, instead of at each other. But what if one day someone got sick of depending on the cloud? What if they wanted to see the sun and the blue sky? What would happen? Slowly people start realizing that this cloud is getting in their way. They find it difficult to connect with family members. Answering phone calls becomes a burden

How Following the Prophet Has Changed My Life

When President Nelson asked the women to do four things this past Women's Conference I was a bit overwhelmed, to be honest. Read the Book of Mormon by the end of the year?! Regular temple attendance, studying of Relief Society documents and active participation, and a social media fast to top it all off? My initial reaction was sadly to hold up my hands and go "no way!" How could he ask us to do so much? I looked at all of my sisters who are busy being full time mothers and was overwhelmed for them! Thankfully that moment of doubt and incredulous disbelief didn't last long. I'll admit, I still wasn't thrilled to read the entire Book of Mormon by the end of the year, but I have a firm testimony that President Nelson is indeed the prophet and because of that I knew I needed to follow his counsel. There was a reason he was asking us to do all of these things. I may not have known it at the time, but the Lord did. Essentially it was the Lord asking us to do these