
Showing posts from February, 2018

Leaving Behind Our Water Pots

At a Stake Women's Conference yesterday I learned a lot about the woman at the well and the significance of that story. I've always been taught that the significance of this story is that a Jew was talking to a Samaritan. A Samaritan woman even. However, I learned yesterday that there's a lot more to this story than simply being nonjudgemental (which is an important lesson). It's interesting to note that the woman at the well was never named. Perhaps that was done deliberately so we could see ourselves more easily in her place. It's also interesting to note that the woman came to the well in the "sixth hour", which is about noon. Filling water pots was typically something done in the morning before the day had started. Why then would this woman come so late in the day? Was there a reason she perhaps didn't want to be around the other women? In the scriptures she seems excited by the idea that this Man speaking to her could provide her with Living Water