
Showing posts from September, 2017

The Peace of a Higher Perspective

So I recently had the opportunity to go skydiving and it was absolutely amazing! It's been on my bucket list for quite some time, and I figured, why not? My mom and I drove down to Moab early on a Monday morning and by noon it was done! It was kind of sad how quickly it went. But still definitely worth every penny! I, of course, did it tandem so I was with a professional. There was about 55 seconds of free fall and let me tell you, at 13,000 ft, it gets very cold. But it was amazing to feel the air rushing past at 120mph. It completely takes your breath away. After that the parachute is pulled and for just a few seconds, it's totally calm. No air rushing by, no cars zooming by, no humming of air filters, no ambulances or police sirens. For those few seconds, it's completely and totally quiet and pure. No pollution, no pipe exhaust, no smoke. Just you and a 360 degree view of the world. It's like nothing I've ever experienced. That was by far my favorite thing a