You Are Enough

You Are Enough
September 6, 2015

This is pretty difficult for me to write about as it's something I always have and do struggle with. It's easy in this world of perfectionism to feel that you are never enough. We are constantly bombarded with pictures and news feeds of girls with the perfect fashion, the perfect bodies, the perfect relationship, the perfect life. And we start to look at ourselves and realize that we are so far from that "perfect" person. And yes, we are so far from being that "perfect" person, because she doesn't exist! No one is perfect, nor will anyone be perfect in this world. We get so caught up in wanting to be "enough" that we forget about the filters and photoshops of this world. What's real and what's fake? It's hard to tell anymore. But one thing is for sure: no is perfect. Not even your seemingly "perfect" friend. Because deep down, everyone is hurting. Deep down everyone is going through their own trials. 

It kills me inside to see such young girls and boys already so self conscious about who they are. I guess it hurts me so much because I was once there. I too started worrying about having the perfect everything at a young age. I know the pain, sorrow, and anxiety that came as a result of not feeling like I was enough in the eyes of the world. Sometimes I wish I could just make the media disappear. But I can't. Instead, I am working hard to overcome the side effects of self-doubt, anger, worry, depression, and anxiety that come with the media and the world's perceptions. 

Here are some questions to consider (I am aksing myself the same things!):

1. How much time do you spend everyday browsing the internet, social media, etc.?

2. How much time do you spend developing a talent or hobby?

3. How often do you wiggle your toes in the grass and let the sun cascade down your face?

4. How much time do you spend doing something fun, something that you really love?

5. How often do you feel anxious about going out in public because you don't have the "perfect" outfit, make-up, body, etc. 

6. Do you let yourself be yourself when you're around other people?

7. Do you believe you are enough?


Just like this quote says, you are so enough it's unbelievable how enough you are!!!

Not too long ago, I became wrapped up in the idea of having a super cute wardrobe that looked like all of the pictures I was seeing on Pinterest. I wanted the perfect "minimilist" closet with the essentials that everyone said I needed. Well, I began shopping and purchased some of those "essentials". I thought I was being so stylish and trendy! Well, I've noticed that each time I where those clothes I feel extra self-conscious. The first time I wore them to work I wanted to run home and change. It felt weird. It was like I was in someone else's body, not mine. Since then I've come to the conclusion that I don't want my style to be exactly like the pictures on Pinterest. Sure they're cute, and I'm not saying that being a minimilist is bad or anything. It's just not for me. I want to be me and only me. 

That being said, here are some suggestions that I have found helpful to remind you that you are enough:

1. Meditate for at least 5-10 minutes everyday. This will help you connect to your inner self and find peace (yes, I know, I sound like a granola-girl!)

2. Practice deep, belly breathing while you meditate or as you fall asleep. 

3. Stop comparing youself....JUST STOP IT!!!!

4. If you are having negative thoughts about yourself, write them down in a journal or talk to someone. Get them outside so they don't sit and fester inside of you. 

5. Avoid computers, TV, phones, etc. 2-3 hours before bed. Try reading an uplifting book or developing a new talent/hobby instead. 

6. Find 1 way to have fun everyday ( even if it's dancing in the car!). This not only helps you find greater happiness, but it fills your life with something more important and beautiful than negative thoughts about yourself!

7. Find ways to move your body each day. For me I love yoga and pilates! Exercising has been known to release endorphins (which is the natural "morphine" that our body produces). 

8. Get 8 hours of sleep everynight (or as close to it as you can). It has been shown that not getting enough sleep will decrease your self esteem. 

9. Lastly, find time to serve others. When we dedicate time to service, we find greater joy and satisfaction in ourselves. It really does bring so much joy to serve other's and help them feel joy as well!

These are all suggestions, but things I encourage you to try and incorporate in your life. I have seen a tremendous difference in my life since incorporating them. It's all a process, but since doing these things, I have found that I am kinder to myself. I realize that my outer appearance has nothing to do with whether I am enough. Whether you are thin, not-so-thin, pink, blue, short, tall, purple hair,etc......YOUR ARE ENOUGH BECAUSE OF WHO YOU ARE ON THE INSIDE!! 
And because of that you will always be enough, no matter how your outer appearance might change over time. 
Kenzie M


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