Jesus, Take the Wheel

One of my favorite songs is by Carrie Underwood and it's called "Jesus, Take the Wheel". I probably listen to it almost everyday on my way to or from work. It's one of those songs that really gets me thinking about my life and about God's hand in my life. I have no doubt that if we let Him, Jesus will take the wheel and direct us through life. He knows the big picture. He knows where and what each destination is throughout our life, and He wants to guide us. I have learned this several times throughout my life and I'm sure I will have many more experiences with it to come.

One of those times was when my dad was called to be a mission president for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in Cambodia. The year I spent over there literally changed my life and I wouldn't trade it for the world. I learned very quickly there that God had placed me in this situation for a reason, and that there were a lot of great opportunities for me to learn and change for the better. There came a time over there when I considered going home. I was sick of being lonely, friendless, and the white girl that stood out. I was tired spiritually and emotionally. After lots of praying and counseling with my Father in Heaven, I decided to let Him take the wheel and continue on the journey.

Now back to the present. I was listening to this song one day, when I had a thought. We need to let Jesus take the wheel, but we need to push the gas pedal. God is not going to make us do anything. We have the beautiful gift of agency in our lives, and because of that agency (or free will), we can choose to push the gas or push the brakes. Had I chosen to go home when I was in Cambodia, I would have been choosing the brakes. However, pushing the gas pedal allowed me to grow and learn in ways that I never could have imagined. I drew so much closer to my Savior because I knew that He was the one guiding me through life.

So, how do we let Jesus take the wheel? For me it comes down to two things. Prayer and trust. In order to understand His will for us we must pray and counsel with the Lord. He will give us love and guidance if we truly seek and ask for it. Second, we need to trust that He does know what is best for us. As humans I think it is sometimes hard to let someone else take the "wheel" in our life. We want to be in complete control. But it's so important to let Christ take the wheel. And sometimes He will take us on a wrong turn just to show us that the other turn is for sure the right one. 

Just as Carrie Underwood sings, we can't do this thing called life all on our own. We need Christ. We need His love and guidance. How grateful I am for that He will guide me through this life!

--Simply, Kenzie M


  1. It is a beautiful song and reminds us that Jesus is in control.


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