
Showing posts from April, 2014

Natural Medicine for a Common Cold

I've had a pretty bad cold this week, which isn't very convenient considering that I have finals coming up. Being a dance major and being sick don't go very well together. My family knows that I really don't like taking conventional medicine. I would rather figure out how to heal my cold naturally, using things that my body will appreciate, rather than pills that are completely foreign to it. I'll admit, I also think it's kind of fun to try to heal myself naturally, kind of like it's a competition. I only have a few essential oils at this point including, peppermint, digest, orange, and fennel. The one that helped the most for my cold was the peppermint. Here are some of my tips for colds: Nettle tea-takes away the aches and pains. Peppermint essential oil (this one has a few): place a drop on your finger and then rub it on your tongue, as well as you temples--this is amazing at clearing congestion (better than any conventional medicine I'