
Showing posts from March, 2014

Always in His Care

Granola Balls (sugar and gluten free)

Wow, it has been a long time since I've written! My first year of college has definitely kept me busy. So far I've been loving college! I made it into the Dance Major, which I am super happy about. Amidst the business of school, homework, and clubs, I still manage to squeeze in time to cook and bake. I guess I kind of have to considering that I have to make a lot of my food from scratch due to allergies and my IBS. One thing in particular that is almost impossible for me to buy at the store is granola bars. They ALWAYS have something I'm allergic to like almonds, coconut, peanut butter, and more. Plus they usually all contain high amounts of sugar, and since I don't eat refined sugar that doesn't work too well for me. I've always been quite the granola bar lover, so this has proved to be quite the challenge for me. They taste great, are easily portable, and provide quick energy. They are so great to have at school because I can eat them while I'm walking